When making your New Year’s resolution, don’t forget 澳门威尼斯人问题cy

If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s that changing our routines can be hard. We're creatures of habits, after all.

That’s probably why New Year’s resolutions don’t stick for most people. Yet, each year people everyw在这里 still make resolutions for the new year. You’ll be glad to know that your resolutions are not in vain. People who make resolutions tend to do better than those who only have a vague goal for change. 好消息,对吧?? Now for the bad news — of the 41% of people who make a resolution, only 9% will be successful by the end of the year.

While we may not be able to help you stick to your workout routine or eat more fruits 和 veggies, we’ve got you covered on saving energy 和 money for 2022.

Make it easy to do right 和 hard to do wrong.

Make saving energy easy by setting your programmable thermostat at 68 degrees while you’re awake 和 lower while asleep or away. Then, let the thermostat do the work. Ensuring your furnace 和 air conditioner are in peak condition is a good habit for energy savings. Did you know a regularly inspected furnace can reduce your bill by 10% annually? Consider signing up for our 服务守护 program 和 adding an annual inspection. An annual inspection will not only save you money, but keep you 和 your family safer, preventing malfunctions like carbon monoxide leaks. +, for a limited time, you can get a free month of 服务守护. 很简单,是吧??

What we do everyday matters more than what we do once in a while.

The little things really add up when it comes to saving energy. Turn off appliances when not using them (like computer monitors 和 printers), or use power strips to cut all power to equipment. Many electronics will continue to draw a small amount of power even when off. Adopting this habit also means you’re living a more sustainable life. Add some other sustainable habits, like signing up for ebills (reducing your paper usage) 和 opting for LED lightbulbs. Some customers can even get a 退税 for changing to these more energy-efficient bulbs.

By giving something up, you may gain.

If you give up those sweets, you’ll gain improved health. Why not give up the stress of suddenly receiving a higher-than-normal energy bill? 与我们的 预算帐单 program, your monthly bill will be based on your average usage during the past year. 没有惊喜. While you’re at it, check out our 客户门户网站 w在这里 you can sign up for auto-pay 和 monitor your energy usage.

Things often get harder before they get easier.

No one likes to spend part of their Saturday making sure their home is 冬天准备好了, but putting in a little work now will pay off with lower energy bills later. 看看这些 恒温的技巧 和 then implement them. Once done, you can sit back 和 relax, knowing you’ve made your house more 澳门威尼斯人问题t. 

别担心. We're 在这里 to help you keep your habit of being more 澳门威尼斯人问题2022年. 跟着我们走 脸谱网 推特, w在这里 we share even more energy saving tips! 

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